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What is a Chemical Engineer?

blog group intro to cheme link recap video youtube Apr 29, 2022

Future ChemE Posted a Video Recap!

This Introduction to Chemical Engineering was recorded in a meeting with students from the Alabama School of Math and Science, presented by Ruha and

Ruha coaches high school students through a career in Chemical Engineering and ChemE as Pre-Med. Visit to learn more.


Topics in this presentation:

Overview of Accredited U.S. University ChemE curriculum

Chemical Engineering Starting Salary Chemical Engineering Co-op and Internships, hourly pay

Financial Independence, FIRE as a Chemical Engineer

Chemical Engineering Career Paths and Work Environments

Medical School as a Chemical Engineer

Crowd Sourced from professors and industry leaders

Best Advice for Success in Chemical Engineering

What does a Chemical Engineer do?

Coaching Call with Ruha


Q&A Begins at 26.33

26.33 How does Chemical Engineering Co-op work?

28.34 The challenges a Design Engineer faces when scaling up a chemical process

30.40 How does a chemical engineer manage tasks?

34.15 Innovation vs Production Engineering

38.04 How difficult was chemical engineering curriculum compared to high school?

41.16 How important is choosing the right college for chemical engineering?

51.32 What is it like to work in different industries in Chemical Engineering?


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